
Monday, July 20, 2015

Maori Economy 'updated'...

BERL have updated their snapshot of the Maori economy in Te Ōhanga Māori 2013 and now interpret the Maori asset base at 42.6 billion paua, up from the 2010 figure of 36.9 billion paua...

  The primary sector still dominates, as might be expected...

The geographic distribution is interesting, with Te Puka o te Ika dominating...

The Report is interesting for many reasons, not least as a reflection of how Pakeha measure us as citizens contributing to the wider NZ economy. (I'll leave aside the obvious irony in much of this economy originating with the dispossession of Maori land and marginalisation of Maori from decision-making...).

There's a lot to say about this report, and I'll dig a little deeper this week.

One very interesting comment: assets are only truly valuable if they contribute to wellbeing.

Another very interesting thing is that the release of this report is pretty much unannounced...

We not sexy any more?!

1 comment:

tangata whenua said...

Maui brings us Whakairo from ancient Egypt . Wha = 4 = grandparents , Kairo = Cairo . Maui's whakairo is the king and queen of Egypt and the king and Queen of Syria .Hence whakairo is art of carving your whakapapa . Tamoko whakairo is the art of tattooing your whakapapa and tukutuku whakairo is the art of tukutuku whakapapa . The whenua is the connection we have with our mother in this case our mother earth . the north island is the fish of Maui, there is no whenua on a fish . the south island is the ship of Maui , again there is no whenua on a ship.the whenua is only on our mother earth papatuanuku (mahia peninsula) this is where Maui settled 2238 years ago and our iwi Hikairo (uplifted Cairo) is still there today. Maui leaves from a world of money as his parents Ptolomy lll and Berenice ll are stamped on the coins . Maui proves that life and living can be sustained without money as it took 2000 years before the next european to arrive here namely captain cook . Our economy was governed through trade with no taxes or rates and money. we lived in harmony one with nature and each other. 1200 years of Maui settling on papatuanuku came the migration of the polynesians from Hiwaiki who adopt our korero and kaupapa and call themselves maori . our family welcomed them on to the fish of Maui only for them to team up with the 3rd migration being the colonials and create this fraudulent government without the recognition of the first migration and creator of maori. carve the people, ta = tattoo,nga = breath, ta = tattoo . the tangata whenua is the first migration and we are already carved we are the tattooed people of the land we celebrate our maori new year on the shortest day the 21st of june in our homeland egypt it is their longest day the day erastothenes Maui's mentor who measures the circumference of the earth maui knows he is on the other side of the world proving the world is round. maybe you should change your blog to 2nd migration polynesia economy . No rei ra , ki a o ra ta tau , te na ta tau , ka toa .

Simon Lambert

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